mAdhava mAmava -neelAmbari-aTa
Introduction.Sri Krishna enlightens the Gopikas the philosophic truths and the fundamental nature of soul and supersoul (jeevatma and paramathma.) Then they sing about the spiritual qualities of Krishna in all devotion.
P mAdhava mAmava dEva
yAdava krishNa yadukula krishNa ||
Oh! Madhava, you are Krishna of Yadu dynasty, protect me.
Ap sAdhu janA dhAra sarva bhAva mAdhava mAmava dEva ||
You are the prop for all saints. Oh! Madhava the source of all thoughts, please protect me.
C 1
ambuja lOchana kambu Subha greeva
bimbAdhara chandra bimbAnana
chAmpEya nasAgra lagna sumouktika
Sarada chandra janita madana ||
Your eyes are like lotus petals and your neck is like a conch. Your lips are red like ripe bimba fruits and your face is beautiful like the moon. Your nose is sharp like champeya flower adorned with shining pearls. The pleasant moon of Saratrutu (the autumn) is arousing amorous feelings.
C 2
kapaTa mAnusha dEha kalpita
jagadanDa koTi mOhita bhAratee ramaNa
apagata mOha tadudbhava nija janaka
karuNayA dhruta sEha sulakshaNa ||
You took the eluding human form by your maya. You amazed Brahma showing your magnificient power of creating the whole cosmos. As father you showered compassion and dispelled his delusion.
C 3
taraLa kunDala ravimandala vikasita
nija jana mAnasa pankEruha
karuNa hAsa sudhA nidhi kiraNa
Samita bhava tApasa jana mOha ||
Your ear rings are shining like the Sun who blossoms the lotuses which are like the hearts of sages. Your compassionate looks soothe us like the rays of the moon. The worldly agonies and delusions of the saints vanish by your grace.
C 4
muraLee gAna rasAmruta poorita
vraja yuvatee mAnasArNava bhO
sarasa guNArNavateerNa bhavArNava
satata geeta keerti manDala bhO ||
The hearts of Gopikas are filled with the nectar like melodies emanating from your divine flute. You are the ocean of auspicious qualities and you are above the worldly things. We sing your glory always.
C 5
Sankha chakra padma SArjna gadA khaDga
vyjayantee koustubhAdi bhoosha
sweekruta budhyAdi tatva samanvita
divya mangaLa gOpabAlaka vEsha ||
The conch,the discus the lotus, the bow, the sword, the Vyjayanti Koustubha are your ornaments. You have eulogised the philosophic truths in a very comprehensive manner. You are divine and auspicious Gopala.
C 6
Agama giri sikharo dita satya chida
dvaya lakshNa sukha bhAno
bhOgi kulOtama bhOga Sayana
dugdha sAgarAja lakshaNaDhya tanO ||
You are the peak point of the mountain of scripts. You are the illuminating Sun of all philosophic truths. You are the yogi reclining on the Sesha serpent. Lakshmi who was born in the ocean of milk shines on your chest.
C 7
indirayA saha sundara krushNa
purundarAdi vandya pada kamala
nanda nandana yOgi varya dhurandhara
nArAyaNa teertha mati vihAra ||
Oh! Krishna, you look beautiful with your consort. Indra and the other devatas bow to your lotus feet.You are Nanda s dear son. You are yogi par excellence. You perpetually dwell in the mind of Narayana Teertha.